Letters from Calabria

Sottovalutata…sottovalutata…that’s the word you most often hear in Calabria, arguably — and I now believe, truly — one of Italy’s most underrated destinations. It has nothing of the artful nobility of Florence, the jet set glitz and influencer appeal of Capri, or the minimal masserias of Puglia. But I don’t know…I did take over 2,000 pictures which none of these other destinations have yet inspired me to do. I loved and edited about 200 of them. And then I set myself the difficult task of selecting only 12 to put here. I hope they speak for themselves. It was a glorious feast for every little part of me. I hope you too, will treat yourself to some dolce far niente this summer. The night before I left on this trip I opened up my journal and wrote down one, and only one task for this trip: Seek out beauty.